
I’m missing home.

When having a bad day, there is home. People annoys you instead of letting you breathe, making you forget what made your day a little tough.

When you are overjoyed, there is home. People celebrates with you whether there’s a treat or not.

When you are tired, there is home. People who make a fuss around you and makes you even tired.

When you are in struggle and pain, there is home. People who are just one text away and be there to share tears with you no matter how far or how late it is.

When you are feeling empty, there is home. People who are interconnected with you that slowly fills your cup again.

When you are hungry, there is home. People who cook your favorite or treat you to satisfy your hunger.

When it seems the world drags you down, there is home. People who always remind you that you are not alone.

And when you seem to forget who you are, there is home. People who sees all the bad and good in you and still choose to love you.

It is always good to be home.

And now my heart bleeds a bit that it is far from its home.